The Calm After The Storm
So after we (Patrick) expounded below about how nothing was happning and we had slid into what had more or less become a sort of routine, all hoo-hah broke loose. I won't get into all the gory details, but Colin was stricken with two simultaneous illnesses - yuck - and began teething. After an extremely challenging week, we've come out on the other side with a baby who has his first of what we're told could be many ear infections, two very sharp bottom teeth and Patrick and I are pretty much no longer the slightest bit phased by baby diarrhea....even massve amounts of it.
So, now Colin just plays quietly in his crib...

and I cautiuosly say that things are more or less back to "normal". I must be some kind of idiot.
So, now Colin just plays quietly in his crib...

and I cautiuosly say that things are more or less back to "normal". I must be some kind of idiot.