They call him Flipper
MILESTONE (3/9/05, 12:10 pm): Shortly after his 5-month birthday, Colin turned over from his tummy to his back. I know I'm a few days late in reporting this, but, hey, it's been a whirlwind of excitement.
For a few weeks now, he's really been moving around well, and we figured he would turn over very soon. Well, Heidi called me at work with the good news, and he certainly didn't stop at one turn. He flipped over a total of 5 times his first day. It's his new little trick, and we like to show it off.
Also, we needed to make sure we got everything with the digicam and on video. (Once I figure out [1] how to edit and [2] where to host the video, I'll post it. Any suggestions, tech-savvy readers?)
The troubling part is that now that he's turned over, crawling is right around the corner, and we'll have to bold, tie or strap down anything in his path. Also, we won't be able to leave him one place and assume he'll be stay there. Exploring his independence from us is his God-given right, but could make for some interesting scenarios. I can see it now: Colin feeding his cereal to the VCR, or trying to eat out of Frankie's dish - or *ugh*, the litter box. Definitely not a time for weak-kneed mamby-pambies.
Anyway, we're just excited for our little guy. He's such a pleasure, and has brought so much fun and light into our home. It's hard to imagine what it would be like without him.
It's Redcat (from Open Diary) again checking in on another of many firsts. It was time for another perspective on things, and learning how to roll over does that. Thumbs up, my man!
Till next time.
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
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