On the threshold
As Colin enters his 12th month of life, it's absolutely astonishing the amount of news that we haven't reported here. The sad truth is that we're keeping all of it to ourselves not out of greed, but out of being unable to write. So here goes, a recap of the last several weeks...
Oh, you were looking for updates on Colin?

Also, he hit another MILESTONE (8/27/05, 7:15 pm): Colin stood without support for about two seconds. He's done it several times since, usually with very wobbly legs, which quickens our heart rates considerably, especially because he usually tumbles near or sometimes into coffee tables or doors.
It's just another step in the marathon of his life, but it feels like it's gone so fast. In a few weeks, he'll be celebrating his first birthday. Is it just me, or was it just yesterday that he was even born?
The more he changes, the more I am reminded of the cruel bait-and-switch of parenthood. At first, he needed us for everything, and day by day, he relies upon us less and less until he no longer needs us for anything other than money and the occasional use of Dad's sportscar. (Midlife crisis is going to hit me HARD.) It's sad to think about how we will become the Commodore 64s to his Sony PSP, but it's all part of the package.
Plus, I think his original neediness on our abilities forms the bond that will last the rest of our lives. He will always be our baby boy, no matter how old he gets, or how many times he puts Dad's sportscar in a ditch (No Elmo or Blue's Clues for a week, mister!).
Uncle Scott went to Japan Aunt Erica and Uncle John celebrated their 5th anniversary We were visited by Aunt Drock Aunt Drock and Mom went to a bridal shower for Sarah R. Dad played in his college alumni soccer game and won Mom and Dad went to NYC to sightsee and watch US Open tennis
Oh, you were looking for updates on Colin?
He just turned 11 months old He says "Da", "Ma", "Ba" and blows great raspberries He cruises everywhere from couch to love seat to coffee table

Also, he hit another MILESTONE (8/27/05, 7:15 pm): Colin stood without support for about two seconds. He's done it several times since, usually with very wobbly legs, which quickens our heart rates considerably, especially because he usually tumbles near or sometimes into coffee tables or doors.
It's just another step in the marathon of his life, but it feels like it's gone so fast. In a few weeks, he'll be celebrating his first birthday. Is it just me, or was it just yesterday that he was even born?
The more he changes, the more I am reminded of the cruel bait-and-switch of parenthood. At first, he needed us for everything, and day by day, he relies upon us less and less until he no longer needs us for anything other than money and the occasional use of Dad's sportscar. (Midlife crisis is going to hit me HARD.) It's sad to think about how we will become the Commodore 64s to his Sony PSP, but it's all part of the package.
Plus, I think his original neediness on our abilities forms the bond that will last the rest of our lives. He will always be our baby boy, no matter how old he gets, or how many times he puts Dad's sportscar in a ditch (No Elmo or Blue's Clues for a week, mister!).
Hi...this is Marion (Redcat from Open Diary). I stop in here every once in a while to see how Colin is doing and growing. And lookie here...he's almost a year old. And what a good looking boy he is, and smart too (Da, Ma etc.). Pretty soon he'll be running you both ragged. It's good for you, keeps you in shape. Ok, bye for now.
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
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