Mobile Unit
MILESTONE (7/3/05, 5:15 pm): Colin started crawling instead of just scooting around on his butt.
Chills and delight - all at the same time.
Besides wrapping everything in the house in ouch-proof foam rubber - Frankie's NOT happy - I've also batched together a new Flickr photoset for May and June of this year. I love looking back at the old photos too, just to see how far he's come. I also changed the Flickr badge on the side of the page. It's funk-ay.
Colin had his 9 month appointment this week. He's 23 and 1/2 lbs - a big kid to say the least. He's actually in the 95th percentile in weight of kids his age. However, he's also in the 90th percentile in height as well, which means he's proportional and not just an overweight kid. However, I'm starting to realize why my back hurts ALWAYS.
He's rounding the bend on his way to the big 1st birthday celebration, and we're looking for suggestions on what to do for the bash. Pony rides? Trip down the rapids? Night at the ballet? Austin City Limits Festival?
Your thoughts? I know there are lurkers out there, come out and be heard!
Chills and delight - all at the same time.
Besides wrapping everything in the house in ouch-proof foam rubber - Frankie's NOT happy - I've also batched together a new Flickr photoset for May and June of this year. I love looking back at the old photos too, just to see how far he's come. I also changed the Flickr badge on the side of the page. It's funk-ay.
Colin had his 9 month appointment this week. He's 23 and 1/2 lbs - a big kid to say the least. He's actually in the 95th percentile in weight of kids his age. However, he's also in the 90th percentile in height as well, which means he's proportional and not just an overweight kid. However, I'm starting to realize why my back hurts ALWAYS.
He's rounding the bend on his way to the big 1st birthday celebration, and we're looking for suggestions on what to do for the bash. Pony rides? Trip down the rapids? Night at the ballet? Austin City Limits Festival?
Your thoughts? I know there are lurkers out there, come out and be heard!
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Heidi, at 5:27 PM
OOOoooooo, I like the new flickr thingy on the left.
Don't get me started about the trip to the doctor yesterday. Suffice it to say that the appointment was at 6:30pm but we didn't get home until 8:00pm - from an office less than 5 minutes away. Total time spent in the unpleasant company of the unpleasant doctor: 2.5 minutes. Then my own trip to the eye doctor today took nearly 2 hours. Total time spent with the more pleasant doctor: 2.5 minutes. I must have angered the gods in some way.
Oh wait, this blog isn't about me. I'm voting for Celebration Station for Colin's first birthday. Is that even still around? Can't beat giant animatronic puppets!
Heidi, at 5:35 PM
giant animatronic puppets are a wee bit scary. I was at a chuck e. cheese once (when I was much, much younger, obviously - i do love the skee ball!), and one of the animals in the band shorted out. There was some sparkage and then it just stopped in an awkward position with its mouth hanging open in a maniacal fashion. but...hey, if you want to scar the kid for life....drock:)
Heidi Hears a Hoo, at 7:06 PM
I have no suggestions about a birthday bash. I'm just so jazzed that the little guy is crawling!
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
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