crazy legs: the blog

Saturday, June 25, 2005


In the last few days I've discovered that there isn't much that is as terrifying as a baby who, at one time wouldn't move from the spot I put him, that can now take off in a shot the second I plop him down. It's been a whirlwind of motor skill development in the past week. Colin has been practicing (and has nearly mastered) the art of scooting on his butt, pushing himself back into a sitting position, nearly crawling backwards and pushing himself up into a standing position. We're so screwed.

Being completely reactive as we tend to be, this weekend has been dedicated to babyproofin' the house. There are now bumpers on my coffee tables, outlet covers on all open outlets and the VCR has been moved out of reach. Currently, Patrick and Colin are at Sears to get a new power screwdriver to install the cabinet latches in a more efficient manner. I've also just been doing some research online for baby gates. I think we're going to go with this one.

I have a feeling that the next few weeks we'll be hearing a lot more "Colin. No." around the house. Then once he really gets going with the crawling and *gulp* walking, it will be "Where did that baby go? I swear he was just here a second ago." We're so screwed.


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