Zero and 1/2
Remember when you judged your age in half-years, i.e. "I'm 5 and 1/2 years old"? Well, Colin can now use fractions instead of months.
He's 0-1/2 years old today. Or he can use the decimal system: he's 0.5 today.
And hopefully, he'll celebrate by being a good boy and letting his tired mom and dad get more than 2 hours of sleep in a row tonight! Given the fact that it's been days since he slept well on his own, what a great gift that would be! Let's hold our breath and wish REAL HARD for this to come true, and then blow out all those candles!
Happy 6 months, Colin!

Seriously, it's quite amazing how much our lives have been enlightened throughout our time with Colin, and (other than the sleeping thing) it's always such fun to spend time with him and watch him try to make sense of the world around him. I'll take another six months just like it.
He's 0-1/2 years old today. Or he can use the decimal system: he's 0.5 today.
And hopefully, he'll celebrate by being a good boy and letting his tired mom and dad get more than 2 hours of sleep in a row tonight! Given the fact that it's been days since he slept well on his own, what a great gift that would be! Let's hold our breath and wish REAL HARD for this to come true, and then blow out all those candles!
Seriously, it's quite amazing how much our lives have been enlightened throughout our time with Colin, and (other than the sleeping thing) it's always such fun to spend time with him and watch him try to make sense of the world around him. I'll take another six months just like it.
Happy Birthday, Kiddo! Just think that in another 6 months, we'll be having a big "You're 1 Today" birthday party. I can't wait and I know that if you knew what cake was, you wouldn't be able to wait either!
Heidi, at 4:38 PM
Yeah, and if we trade him in now, we lose at least 20% of what we paid for him. And he's barely got any miles either!
And don't worry, he's getting used to the idea that life is unfair. His mom and I are making sure of it: We're making him watch Cubs games.
Patrick, at 10:26 AM
Yeah, leasing is the way to go. You should've seen the contract we had to sign. Pages upon pages of stipulations, guarantees and requirements that I wasn't aware of until we'd already named and fed him. The stork brings nothing but trouble, I tell you.
Also, I hate to correct you but, like most of Fox's target audience (although many of those are ADULTS who read below a 3rd grade level), Colin cares deeply about American Idol, and seethes about Simon's rude comments to rising raw talent. I have no idea why, but all activity must stop in the house once Ryan Seacrest's mug fills the screen. All I can say is if Constantine (the "rock guy") doesn't win, there's gonna be h-e-double-hockey-sticks to pay, starting with masses of crushed banana to steam-clean from the carpet.
Patrick, at 2:37 PM
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