Happy Mother's Day!
Today is my first Mother's Day as a mom and the thought that keeps going through my mind is, "Wow. People are giving me presents and flowers and stuff. I should have done this a long time ago!"
Actually, it is a nice excuse to sit back and reflect a bit on how the past 7 months has changed not only my day-to-day life, but also my life in the larger sense. Yeah, so Spoon is playing at the Vic on June 11th. Who cares? I've seen 'em before. Going to the movies? I don't think so. That's what Netflix is for. These things are nothing compared to playing a hyped-up, intense game of Peek-a-Boo with Colin. It's even more fun playing a game of Airplane when Patrick flies Colin around the house chasing me down a la North by Northwest.
Mother's Day has also has made me think an awful lot about how amazing our mothers are. Patrick and I were talking this morning about how much patience both of our mothers had to have when we were just newborns and our older sisters were in their "terrible twos". I can't imagine what a logistical nightmare it had to have been just to go to the grocery store. I wouldn't have the strength.
With just 7 months under my mothering belt, I have nothing but admiration for those who balance more than one young child at a time and especially for single parents (dads included). This is a lot of work. But it's work that actually does feel very natural when I didn't think that it would. It's work that at least right now doesn't seem like it shows very many immediate rewards. BUT the payoff comes in having a happy, healthy baby boy who is becoming more and more curious every day about the world and all the people in it. It's a huge payoff and I'm loving every minute of it. Even the minutes that I spend picking up rattles and toys from the floor for the 373rd time in five minutes.
So, we send a great big thanks, great big hugs and much love to our moms today! Love you!!
Actually, it is a nice excuse to sit back and reflect a bit on how the past 7 months has changed not only my day-to-day life, but also my life in the larger sense. Yeah, so Spoon is playing at the Vic on June 11th. Who cares? I've seen 'em before. Going to the movies? I don't think so. That's what Netflix is for. These things are nothing compared to playing a hyped-up, intense game of Peek-a-Boo with Colin. It's even more fun playing a game of Airplane when Patrick flies Colin around the house chasing me down a la North by Northwest.
Mother's Day has also has made me think an awful lot about how amazing our mothers are. Patrick and I were talking this morning about how much patience both of our mothers had to have when we were just newborns and our older sisters were in their "terrible twos". I can't imagine what a logistical nightmare it had to have been just to go to the grocery store. I wouldn't have the strength.
With just 7 months under my mothering belt, I have nothing but admiration for those who balance more than one young child at a time and especially for single parents (dads included). This is a lot of work. But it's work that actually does feel very natural when I didn't think that it would. It's work that at least right now doesn't seem like it shows very many immediate rewards. BUT the payoff comes in having a happy, healthy baby boy who is becoming more and more curious every day about the world and all the people in it. It's a huge payoff and I'm loving every minute of it. Even the minutes that I spend picking up rattles and toys from the floor for the 373rd time in five minutes.
So, we send a great big thanks, great big hugs and much love to our moms today! Love you!!
Gee whiz, what a compliment, I'm blushing as I type... Thanks! You two are doing just fine. I'm sure that Carol and I do remember those days of 2 kids (in Carol's case 3 kids) running down the candy or cereal aisles asking for every item they were able to reach! Every day brought a "new and exciting adventures" to discuss after the "little-ones" when to bed. Dad and I would talk about what great things Dad probably missed while at work and how I just needed some time to talk to an adult!!!!! I guess Carol, Dad and I did an OK job because you two have been exceptionally patient and loving parents. Colin has done well in selecting you two.
Thanks again for deeper understandings of what parenthood "REALLY" means. You two will have plenty of time to practice and develop your own loving and nurturing skills. With this time spent, Colin will some day realize and appreciate what you two have done to raise him in this difficult and sometimes confusing world. Thanks so much for appreciating those little moments we didn't think about at the time!
Love you all-
Mom W
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM
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