
This ruling is in response to complaints about a lack of educational kids TV shows. It's going to be interesting what's considered educational or instructional, doncha think? Also, I wonder if this E/I stamp of approval will actually affect ratings. Kinda doubt it.
All I know is TV has taught me a lot, especially through its advertising. I've discovered that I'm fat, unattractive and uncool (and so are the majority of you), but there are still several companies and spokesmodels out there to help me come a little closer to my ideal level of weight, looks and hipness.
[link via TV Squad]
Or there will be an incredible "Turn Off the TV" movement, and everyone will go back to reading books, telling campfire stories, singing songs together, visiting the penny arcade and re-electing FDR.
Then that moon landing thing will be exposed for the hoax it really is!
Oops, gotta go. Oprah's on.
Patrick, at 9:46 AM
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