Little Man Winter

Though winter has been fairly tame this year, it did come back with a vengeance on Sunday, just in time to ring in Colin's 17-month BD.
He had a ball getting pulled around in his inflatable sled. However, between this and the inflatable pool in summertime, we're going to invest in a foot pump or soon, Dad's lungs are going to explode through his chest.
Winter is a tricky time for little ones, and we're suffering a bit from cabin fever. Spring is right around the corner and soon he'll be tracking mud all across our brand new carpet.

And now for an update.
Words: Mama, dada, Elmo (of course), bye-bye, hi!, moon, moo, arf, meow (sorta), quack (once, but very distinct), where?, all done!, arm, no, snow, uh-oh, shoe, nice.
Favorite word: Elmo, followed closely by animatedly pointing and saying something like "Doo-way?", as if he's asking "Who's/what's that?"
Actions: climbing on everything, falling off things (ugh), grabbing as many things as he can hold in his hands at once and carrying them from room to room, feeding himself when he wants, but more often throwing food off his tray, dancing, running, stacking, wagging his finger when he does something wrong (imitating Heidi and I saying "no"), chasing the cat and/or Mom and Dad, throwing balls, laughing at our silliness, dumping out a box of Legos or crayons and then obsessively replacing them, starting to throw mini-tantrums (double ugh), turning on lightswitches, brushing his hair and teeth, splashing in the bath.
Favorite action: Lately, it's throwing a ball. It appears he's a righty. We're working on sliders as well as a four-seam fastball.
Things are good, but please someone, bring on the warm weather!
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