In non-baby news
Off the Crazy Legs beat for a bit:
Former Illinois governor George Ryan's trial recaps are stuff of legend.
A state trooper recounts Ryan's issues with gambling:
Why isn't the news covering it?
This brings up a bigger point. Crazy Legs: The Blog may become a component of a larger, more general blog for the family, where we can expound upon other topics. More details to come...
Former Illinois governor George Ryan's trial recaps are stuff of legend.
A state trooper recounts Ryan's issues with gambling:
One of Borisy’s recollections sounded like a comedy sketch, with Ryan asking his bodyguards if they’d lend him some cash so he could bet against some golfers in a foursome at the Kankakee Country Club. “How much do you want,” Borisy said he asked Ryan. “How much do you have” was Ryan’s reply. Again Borisy asked “how much do you want” and again Ryan replied “how much do you have.” This went on for a while with neither man declaring an amount before Ryan left in a huff, “ticked off,” Borisy testified, and empty-handed.
Why isn't the news covering it?
This brings up a bigger point. Crazy Legs: The Blog may become a component of a larger, more general blog for the family, where we can expound upon other topics. More details to come...
Just a suggestion... keep the baby blog separate from your general comment blog. Some family members will get confused!!!!!(Grandpa-eg.)
Mom W
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM
That's GrGrandpa E
Sorry MOM W
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
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