Leaving Home
Well, you knew it would happen. Being selfish and obviously deranged, Heidi and I decided that we might want to take Colin out of the house. Heidi has been bouncing off the walls with cabin fever, and I really wanted to try out our new car seat. We really should have consulted the boss, however.
We planned to make two stops: one at Costco to pick up some pictures and one at Michael's for some acrylic paints to decorate the Colin-monster's room. Both stops would be about 10 minutes at the most. We prepped Colin for about 45 minutes before daring to step outside the four walls.
When we did, it started out smoothly. He fell asleep in his car seat on the way to Costco. Heidi stayed in the car with him while I ran in to grab the birth announcements we had ordered. Upon my return, however, I opened the door to find Colin SCREAMING his LUNGS out, and Heidi comforting him to no avail. He was strapped in his car seat and Heidi didn't want to take him out. We were in serious trouble!
So, being the good father I am, I quickly revved the engine and started driving like a bat out of Hades, risking all of our lives in order to stop the screaming.

The face of fear.
Colin promptly fell asleep again before we left the parking lot.
We were a bit shaken by the experience and considered ditching the second stop altogether. Instead I drove around an extra 20 minutes just to ensure he was deep in sleep, and then we took a deep breath and sprinted into Michael's. All the time, I held him in his car seat, trying to rock him gently without jarring him too much, and scanned his face for the slightest tic, eye flutter or scowl. In case of infant eruption, I was prepared to cut and weave like Barry Sanders through the aisles and out of the store, shouting apologies over my shoulder until I hit the door.
But we made it without another outburst. Next time, we'll reconsider before daring to venture out with Colinstein. We failed to consult him on our plans, and were subsequently and soundly punished for our sins.
I only hope you'll someday forgive us, Sir. We should have known better.

The horror! The horror!
P.S. I updated the contributor profiles on the side of the page. Click and check them out if you like.
We planned to make two stops: one at Costco to pick up some pictures and one at Michael's for some acrylic paints to decorate the Colin-monster's room. Both stops would be about 10 minutes at the most. We prepped Colin for about 45 minutes before daring to step outside the four walls.
When we did, it started out smoothly. He fell asleep in his car seat on the way to Costco. Heidi stayed in the car with him while I ran in to grab the birth announcements we had ordered. Upon my return, however, I opened the door to find Colin SCREAMING his LUNGS out, and Heidi comforting him to no avail. He was strapped in his car seat and Heidi didn't want to take him out. We were in serious trouble!
So, being the good father I am, I quickly revved the engine and started driving like a bat out of Hades, risking all of our lives in order to stop the screaming.

The face of fear.
Colin promptly fell asleep again before we left the parking lot.
We were a bit shaken by the experience and considered ditching the second stop altogether. Instead I drove around an extra 20 minutes just to ensure he was deep in sleep, and then we took a deep breath and sprinted into Michael's. All the time, I held him in his car seat, trying to rock him gently without jarring him too much, and scanned his face for the slightest tic, eye flutter or scowl. In case of infant eruption, I was prepared to cut and weave like Barry Sanders through the aisles and out of the store, shouting apologies over my shoulder until I hit the door.
But we made it without another outburst. Next time, we'll reconsider before daring to venture out with Colinstein. We failed to consult him on our plans, and were subsequently and soundly punished for our sins.
I only hope you'll someday forgive us, Sir. We should have known better.

The horror! The horror!
P.S. I updated the contributor profiles on the side of the page. Click and check them out if you like.
Can you really blame the poor boy? Chicago and its suburbian traffic is a beyotch. i think i almost started wailing like a banshee the last time I got stuck on the interstate...give him a big kiss for me. I can't wait to come up and see him after I get back from hawaii (leaving monday). talk to you both soon! drock
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
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