crazy legs: the blog

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Family Baby Shower: House of Pizza Becomes Casa de los Babys

Pssst, Crazy Legs -- boy, are you living up to your name - each day brings more and more roundhouse kicks -- we had a party in your honor this weekend.

Friends and family showed up to have pizza and give your parents gifts to prepare for your arrival. Even more surprising is that they didn't harangue us too much for not sharing your real name and/or gender with them. They just gave us a few gentle inquiries and only a few bamboo shoots under the fingernails. But we didn't crack!

These people, who are amazingly generous, love you even though they've never seen you, and subsequently Mommy and I made out like bandits. Seriously. In fact, there's probably an APB out looking for a 2004 Santa Fe packed to the absolute gills with baby clothes, strollers, car seats and diapers.

Cheryl R. and Heidi

Your Mom was poked and prodded and hugged, and was told that she looked great. Which she does, and I pray every day you take after her. We ate lots of pizza and salad and brownies in your name. Hope you enjoyed it second-hand. If not, you'd better get used to it, as the House of Pizza (est. 1959) is a Fenstermaker-McBride tradition, and a regular stop when the Williamson clan invades northwest Indiana. Let's just hope that by the time you're out of diapers, Interstate 80/94 is no longer under construction. Otherwise, we might just have to double back to the House of Pizza from South Bend or perhaps the Ohio border.

Aunt Erica and Grandma McB getting to know Crazy Legs.
[Also pictured: Heidi.]

A good time was had by all, and all parties are very anxious to meet you. In the meantime, Mommy and I are going to have to buy a new house in order to fit all the gifts. Be patient, grow strong, read up on all the literature about surviving two nervous parents, and enjoy your little apartment. Free room and board is pretty hard to come by these days.

Thanks again to everyone who celebrated with us, and to those who couldn't attend, but were in our thoughts.

(P.S. If anyone has pictures, and they'd like to share, I'll try my best to accommodate them.)


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