crazy legs: the blog

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

26 Weeks

Your baby weighs more than 2 lbs (1000g), measures 9.6 inches from crown to rump (24cm) and its total length is about 15.3 inches (34cm). If your baby were born now, she would have about an 85% chance of surviving. Nonetheless, your baby still needs another 13 weeks of in utero development to be considered full term.

Your baby's eyes, no longer fused shut, are now open.

Your baby's skin still has a very wrinkled appearance, but it is protected and nourished by the covering of vernix, a waxy coating that keeps the skin supple.

Your baby looks almost like a full term baby, but is still much thinner and smaller than she will be at birth.

All 2+ pounds and 15.3 inches are soundly kicking the bejeezus out of my insides at any given point during the day! It's a really cool feeling and I just wish that Patrick could experience it himself. I wonder what Crazy Legs sees in there now that his/her eyes are open....


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